Learning Objectives

Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs) have been formulated in harmony with the Strategic Plan, especially the Vision and Mission Formulation of Universities, Faculties & Study Programs and the Formulation of Graduate Profiles

Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs) are basically competencies that are expected to be possessed by graduates of a study program. Therefore, the ELO formulation should basically be formulated with reference to the profile of graduates from the study program. In other words, the graduate profile of the study program will be achieved through ELO.

The ELO formulation of the Bachelor of Architecture Study Program (PS-ARS), Faculty of Engineering (FATEK), Sam Ratulangi University (UNSRAT), is concretely described in the PS-ARS Curriculum Book. Currently, the curriculum applied in this study program is the 2020 Curriculum (K-2020), which is a periodic update of the previous curriculum (K-2015). K-2020 was compiled in 2019 with reference to the PS-ARS Strategic Plan as part of the Strategic Plan for the Department of Architecture (J-ARS) for the period 2019-2023 which is the department for this study program at FATEK UNSRAT. The strategic plan of the study program basically contains the formulation of the Vision and Mission of PS-ARS for that period which is formulated with reference to the Strategic Plan of FATEK and Strategic Plan of UNSRAT, each of which contains the formulation of the Vision and Mission of FATEK and Vision & Mission of UNSRAT as a tiered unit.

Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs) have been formulated by referring to the SN-DIKTI & KKNI as well as the Related Association Competencies Formulation and Lifelong Learning Paradigm

Departing from the formulation of the graduate profile above, then the preparation of the ELO is carried out with reference to a number of references, in particular the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 44 of 2015 concerning National Standards for Higher Education (SN-DIKTI), Presidential Regulation No. 8 of 2012 concerning the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and the interpretation of competency standards from associations related to study programs, in particular the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI) and the Indonesian Architectural College Association (APTARI).

The ELO formulation of this study program is categorically divided into:

1) Attitude,

2) General Skills,

3) Special Skills / Employability, and

4) Knowledge Mastery

The ELO formulation in the first and second categories basically refers directly to the directives of SN-DIKTI and KKNI (Level 6 for undergraduate education programs), where the "Attitude" category includes 10 (ten) learning outcomes and "General Skills". categories include 9 (nine) points of learning outcomes. These points also cover the 8 basic competencies of lifelong learning.

The ELO formulation for the category “Special Skills / Employability” is defined by referring to the competency standards set by IAI and APTARI and also in accordance with the graduate profile category. This category is still divided into 3 (three) sub-categories, namely: a) Special Skills, b) Main Work Ability and c) Additional Work Ability. In full, learning outcomes in this category include 16 (sixteen) items.

Furthermore, for the "Mastery of Knowledge" category, the main learning outcomes related to the field of study within the scope of architectural science are formulated which include: a) philosophy, history, theory, research, criticism and architectural design methods, b) aesthetics of form, art and culture, c) ecology and building science, d) site planning, exterior & interior space, landscape, urbanism, housing and settlements and e) other knowledge. In this category, learning outcomes are divided into 40 (forty) items.

The full ELO formulation (in K-2020) can be seen in the PS-ARS Curriculum Book. However, by referring to the basic categorization above, the ELO formulation of this study program can be simplified to 14 (fourteen) points, each in relation to the formulation of the graduate profile that has been determined.

Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs) have been formulated by referring to the UNESCO Pedagogic Competency Categorization and Covering Generic and Specific matters

In addition to the various approaches stated above, the formulation of ELO in this study program is also carried out by considering the aspect of the depth of competence that exists in each ELO item by referring to the categorization of pedagogic competencies in the 'four pillars of UNESCO', which is basically inspired by Bloom's taxonomy for education. . This consideration leads to the limitation of the depth of each learning outcome which in turn becomes the basis for determining the weight of learning activities in each course designed to achieve the existing learning outcomes.

The ELO formulation in this study program also includes specific and generic learning achievement points. Learning achievement points in the 'Attitude' and 'General Skills' categories are generic learning outcomes because they are rights that must be achieved in undergraduate education learning programs throughout Indonesia, as mandated in SN-DIKTI and KKNI, especially for Level 6 competencies / program graduates. undergraduate education. While the learning materials in the categories of "Special Skills / Work Ability" and "Mastery of Knowledge" are basically specific learning materials because they are associated with certain professional competency standards, especially those set by the relevant associations, namely IAI and APTARI. , is also directly related to the specification of the scientific field which is the ontological domain of architectural science.

Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs) have been Formulated by Considering Input from Internal & External Stakeholders

The preparation of the ELO for this study program was also carried out by gathering input from stakeholders, both internal and external. The involvement of internal stakeholders is carried out through a hearing forum or focus group discussion (FGD) involving elements of study program managers, institutional representatives (leaders of departments and faculties), lecturer staff and students. On the other hand, external stakeholders who are asked to provide input include representatives from alumni, graduate users, architectural professionals represented by elements of professional associations (IAI) and cultural elements. Input was obtained through various means such as formal and informal interviews, distributing questionnaires, forums for hearings, FGDs, and tracing studies (particularly to alumni and graduate users). Another approach is also carried out by sending representatives of study programs in periodic meetings of related associations (IAI and APTARI).

In the formulation of ELO, input from stakeholders is accommodated in several ELO points. For example, to respond to stakeholder input regarding the various professional roles that graduates can play, the main and additional skill points in the ELO formulation are also formulated based on the defined graduate profile categories, including core skills as architect/designer and additional skills for the profession as process worker/supervisor. construction, entrepreneurs in the construction industry, academia and as a bureaucrat. Another example is the emergence of learning outcomes related to professionalism, economics and business, as well as paying attention to aspects of local genius, especially the characteristics of coastal and hilly areas, which respond to demands from external parties.