Graduate Profile & Competence

Graduate Profile


Graduate Profile

Description of Graduate Profile



Having the ability to do business independently based on competence, knowledge and skills in various business fields of the construction industry related to architectural services that have received international recognition in the ASEAN Region Based on Vernacular Architecture in Coastal and Hills Regions.


a. Professional Architect


the ability to carry out the design activities of an architectural object in the form of a building and/or its exterior and interior environment, based on the context of certain design problems, related to object typology, location/site, and certain themes, and produce designs that meet the basic criteria of architectural quality (functional) , sturdy, aesthetic), and well presented through a communicative design document.


b. Professional Consultant


the ability to carry out the management of planning / design activities as well as monitoring activities for the physical construction process of the built environment, especially those related to architectural services


c. Professional Contractor

the ability to carry out the management of the physical construction process of the building and/or its exterior and interior environment in accordance with certain design documents, in relation to the efficiency of available resources including costs, labor, materials, tools & time, taking into account the legal aspects of the implementation of physical construction/construction the building and its environment.


d. Developer

the ability to initiate and carry out the physical development process of a certain functional area, both building components and/or their exterior and interior environments.


WORKERS / ACTORS IN THE SCOPE OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (Architect Designers, Implementers and Supervisors)


the ability to carry out the authorities and responsibilities as part of the work team of a business entity in the construction industry, either Consultant (Planner/Supervisor), Contractor, or Developer, in accordance with the roles assigned by the management of the business entity (surveyor, drafter, animator, planner/ designer, cost estimator, field supervisor, site manager).





the ability to carry out educational and teaching activities, research and community service in the field of Architecture.





the ability to develop and implement policies/institutions for the construction of buildings and their environment, based on architectural principles as well as relevant development/government administration rules.


  1. SN-Dikti
  2. IQF
  3. IAI Architect Competency Points
  4. APTARI Competency Standards