Welcome new lecturers at the Informatics Study Program

New lecturers at Unsrat for admission in 2018 officially received a decree which was submitted directly by the Rector of Unsrat on June 14, 2019. Among the new lecturers who received the decree, ten of them were lecturers who will work in the Engineering Study Program Unsrat Informatics:

  1. Bernard Jumadi Dh Sitompul
  2. Heybert Armando Mapaly
  3. Salvius Paul Lengkong
  4. Salaki Reynaldo Joshua
  5. Kenneth Joshua Palilingan
  6. Harni Seven Adinata
  7. Ade Yusupa
  8. Fransisca Joanet Pontoh
  9. Yuri Vanli Akay
  10. Henry Valentino Florence Kainde

On behalf of the entire academic community, the Unsrat Faculty of Engineering would like to welcome the new lecturers and have a good time at work.

The Electrical Student Association (HME) excels in the Appropriate Technology Works event

The Electrical Student Association (HME) of the Faculty of Engineering, Sam Ratulangi University, recorded achievements at the national level with success as the 1st Winner of the LKCTTG (Appropriate Technology Creation Competition) at the FKHMEI National Conference (Communication Forum of the Indonesian Electrical Student Association) 2019. This National Conference was held on 22 – 29 April 2019 at Halu Oleo University (UHO) Kendari. The two HME students who managed to win the championship in this event are:

  1. Deavid Alfa Hooklie Sumayow with the title STASYA (Solar Tracking System Algorithm) won first place
  2. Nasruddin with the title Robot controlled using Android became the 2nd runner up.

FKHMEI is one of the professional student organizations that was established in 1990 and is a member of the IOMS (Association of Professional Student Organizations) under the auspices of the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of National Education whose existence is legally formally recognized by the issuance of the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. : 04/DIKTI/KEP/1991. FKHMEI will accommodate the aspirations and innovations of electrical engineering students in the context of professional development and increasing the resources of electrical engineering students in all universities in Indonesia.