Quality assurance

Quality assurance in the Informatics Engineering study program refers to the guidelines for the higher education quality assurance system (http://lpm.unsrat.ac.id/sites_files/documents/Pedoman_SPMPT_2016.pdf) issued by the Director General of Learning and Student Affairs and is an integral part of the overall implementation of quality assurance starting from the university level, faculty, to study programs. Quality assurance is implemented in the form of an internal quality assurance system (SPMI) and an external quality assurance system (SPME).

Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI)

SPMI at the study program level is carried out as part of the implementation of internal quality assurance at the university level, which is carried out by the Unsrat Quality Assurance Institute (LPM Unsrat) (http://lpm.unsrat.ac.id), through the Internal Quality Audit Center (AMI Center). Activities carried out by the AMI Center in the context of implementing SPMI are monitoring and evaluating learning, reviewing quality documents and SPMI training (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yQ7Q9Jbc04).

At the faculty level, SPMI is carried out by the Quality Assurance Unit of the Faculty of Engineering (UPM Fatek) (http://fatek.unsrat.ac.id/sites/index.php/pages/unit-penjaminan-mutu). This unit plays a role in academic quality control with the aim of continuously improving the quality of education in the engineering faculty. UPM Fatek cooperates with the coordinator of the Informatics Engineering Study Program to monitor and evaluate the learning process and provide input in order to improve the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education.

At the study program level, the implementation of internal quality assurance is carried out by the study program coordinator, which is carried out in the form of monitoring and evaluating the learning process for each learning implementation. In its implementation, the implementation of SPMI at the study program level is carried out by referring to the quality assurance cycle according to the guidelines for the higher education quality assurance system, which includes the stages: (1) Determination, (2) Implementation, (3) Evaluation, (4) Controlling, (5) Improved standards (PPEPP). For the implementation of this cycle, the Informatics Engineering study program collaborates with university LPM. In addition to the LPM, the Informatics Engineering study program coordinates with the Institute for the Study and Development of Learning (LP3) (http://lp3.unsrat.ac.id), as a follow-up to the demands to improve the quality and suitability of the curriculum. The result is that the Informatics Engineering study program revised the curriculum. Previously, the 2013 curriculum became the 2015 curriculum.

External Quality Assurance System (SPME)

SPME in the Informatics Engineering study program is carried out periodically through Accreditation activities carried out by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). In the future, in implementing the external quality assurance system, the Informatics Engineering study program will involve an independent institution recognized by the government to conduct an external evaluation of the implementation of higher education in the Informatics Engineering study program.

In order to support quality assurance, the Informatics Engineering study program uses quality assurance instruments as a reference in the implementation of quality assurance, through quality documents issued both at the university level and at the faculty level, such as the Academic Quality Policy, Academic Quality Standards, Quality Manuals and Academic Regulations.http://fatek.unsrat.ac.id/dokumen/?dir=Standar%20Mutu).

In the implementation of quality assurance monitoring and evaluation, the informatics study program uses data from the Dikti database (PD-DIKTI) (https://forlap.ristekdikti.go.id/, UNSRAT Dashboard (http://dashboard.unsrat.ac.id) and the Faculty of Engineering Portal (http://fatek.unsrat.ac.id/portal)