Interest talent

Student extracurricular activities are grouped into five activities, namely: Spirituality, Sports, Arts, Environment and Technology. The three groups of activities are carried out within the scope of the Student Senate of the Faculty of Engineering and under the supervision of the Student Affairs Division of the Faculty of Engineering. The forms of activity are as follows:

  1. Spirituality: Protestant Christian Activity Implementation Unit (UPK), KMK (Catholic Student Family), Tasqir Body.
  2. Sports: Football Club, Bridge Club, Basketball Club
  3. Art: “Blue Choir” Choir
  4. Environment: Student Nature Lover (Mapala) Pahyagaan
  5. Technology: Robotics Club “EURO – Electrical Unsrat Robotics”

The results of the extracurricular activities above can be seen from the increased participation and achievement of students in competitions at the local, regional, national and even international levels.

(Read more: List of Student Achievements)