Informatics Engineering S1 Study Program

List of Lecturer PKM

YearName of Head of Implementation TeamTitle
2018Alicia AE Sinsuw, ST, MTTraditional Fishermen Association PKM in Sario Village, Sario District, Manado City, North Sulawesi Province Through E-Learning-Based Entrepreneurship Training
2018Brave Angkasa Sugiarso, ST, MTTraining on Making Augmented Reality at Senior High Schools in Manado
2018Dr. Eng Steven R. Sentinuwo, ST, M.TI.PKM Utilization of E-Learning Content for Entrepreneurship in the GMIST Bethlehem Tahuna Youth Group, Sangihe Regency, North Sulawesi Province
2018Rizal Sengkey, ST, MTIntroduction to Online Learning in High School
2018Dr. Eng Vecky C. Poekoel, ST, MTDesign and Build Automatic Control of Shallot Drying System in Touure Village, Tompaso, Minahasa
2018Yaulie Deo Y. Rindengan, ST, MM, M.Sc.Implementation of the use of the Android e-Agriculture application in the village of Sinisir Kacan Modoinding, South Minahasa Regency
2017Dringhuzen J. Mamahit, ST, M.Eng.IbM Religious Teachers Group and Sunday School Teachers Training Digital Aids Bible Stories Based on Augmented Reality Mapanget Village
2017M. Dwisnanto Putro, ST, M.Eng.Robotics Technology Introduction Training for High School / Vocational High School Students in Tomohon City
2017Dr.Eng Sary DE Paturusi, ST, M.Eng.IbM Socializes the Use of Technology and Introduction of Android-Based Student Assessment System Applications in Middle Schools in Manado City
2017Rizal Sengkey, ST, MTIbM Utilizes E-Commerce in Marketing Agricultural Products
2017Feisy D. Kambey, ST, MTProvidensia Elementary and Junior High School IbM for Introducing Student Monitoring and Evaluation System Using Mobile Devices
2017Brave Angkasa Sugiarso, ST, MTIbM Tanjung Batu Village, Manado, Smart Internet and the Snare of the Electronic Information and Transaction (ITE) Law
2017Alicia AE Sinsuw, ST, MTIbM Middle School Teachers Through Information Technology-Based Learning Media Development Training
2017Dr. Eng. Steven R. Sentinuwo, ST, M.TI.IbM Training on Android-Based Student Monitoring Application Implementation
2016Dr. Eng. Vecky C. Poekoel, ST, MTIbM Desa Koha About Workshop on Modern Technology and Its Applications for Learning Age Children
2016Virginia Tulenan, S.Kom, M.TIIbM SMP Negeri I Tomohon for Moodle-Based Learning Management System Training
2016Oktavian A. Lantang, ST, M.TIIbM SMP Negeri 3 Tomohon for Moodle-Based Learning Management System Training
2016Alwin M. Sambul, ST, M.Eng, Ph.D.IbM SMA Negeri I Tondano For Introduction to E-Learning-Based Learning
2016M. Dwisnanto Putro, ST, M.Eng.IbM Robotics Technology Introduction Training for High School / Vocational High School Students in North Minahasa Regency
2016Rizal Sengkey, ST, MTIbM Uses Information Technology By Farmers To Improve Competitiveness
2016Dr. Eng. Steven R. Sentinuwo, ST, M.TI.IbM SMK Negeri I Amurang For Introduction to E-Learning-Based Learning
2016Brave Angkasa Sugiarso, ST, MTIbM Pakowa Manado Village Computer Network and Internet Training for Village Devices
2016Ir. Benefit S. Narasiang, MTIbM SMP and SD Providensia Implementation of E-learning
2016Yaulie D. Rindengan, ST, M.Sc, MMIbM in Kayuuwi Village, Minahasa Regency Utilizing Open Source Software to Support Village Administration