Informatics Engineering S1 Study Program

Profile & Learning Outcomes of Graduates

Graduate Profile

The Graduate Profiles determined by the Informatics Engineering Study Program (PSTI) are:

  1. Academics/researchers;
  2. Entrepreneur (entrepreneur)
  3. Information Systems/Information Technology Staff
  4. Bureaucrats.

Expected Learning Outcome 

ELOCPL (English and Simplified)
S1Devote oneself to God Almighty and to able to show religious attitudesS1Have morality, integrity, and a religious mindset
S2Uphold human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethicsS2Have a sense of nationalism and appreciate cultural diversity
S3Contribute in improving the society living quality, nation and state, based on PancasilaS3Have social sensitivity and care for the environment and society
S4Act as citizens who are proud and loving of their country, to possess nationalism as well as a sense of responsibility to the state and nation
S5Appreciate the diversity of cultures, views, religions and beliefs, as well as the opinions or original findings of others
S6Cooperate and possess the social sensitivity and the care for the society and the environment
S7Be law-abiding and disciplined in social and state life
S8Internalize academic values, norms and ethics
S9Show a responsible attitude towards work in their areas of expertise independently;
S10Internalize the spirit of independence, working hard, and entrepreneurship
Generic SkillsGeneric Skills
KU1Able to apply logical, critical, systematic and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of science and technology in the field of Informatics EngineeringKU1Able to think logically, critically and systematically, as well as being innovative, creative and adaptive to the implementation and development of the field of informatics
KU2Able to demonstrate independent, quality and measurable performance.KU2Able to provide appropriate and measurable solutions and be responsible for problems in the field of informatics engineering
KU3Able to study the implications and development of Informatics Engineering knowledge and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values ​​according to their expertise based on scientific rules, procedures and ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs or art criticismKU3Able to work together in groups and present information orally and in writing
KU4Able to compile scientific descriptions of study results in the form of thesis and disseminate scientific works
KU5Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of solving problems in their area of ​​expertise, based on the results of analysis of information and data
KU6Able to maintain and develop networks with mentors, colleagues, peers both inside and outside ofthe institution
KU7Able to be responsible for their actions and the achievement of group work results, carry out control, supervision and evaluation of the completion of the work of group members under their responsibility.
KU8Able to carry out a self-evaluation process of the working group under their responsibility, and to manage learning independently
KU9Able to document, store, secure, and recover data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism
KU10Able to make decisions or provide solutions in the context of problem solving in the field of Informatics Engineering based on the results of analysis of information and data and reasoning on knowledge and able to communicate it both orally and in writing.
Specific skillsSpecific Skills
KK1Design, describe, and analyze algorithms for solving computational problemsKK1Able to design, implement, and analyze algorithms for solving computational problems
KK2Implementing algorithms and applying programming language concepts both procedural and object-orientedKK2Able to apply software development methodologies to create, develop and evaluate multiplatform applications
KK3Using scripting programming languages ​​for computing problem solving including standalone and web-based softwareKK3Able to design and implement reliable and secure computer and network systems in the context of information systems
KK4Analyze systems and procedures related to computer systems and provide recommendations related to more efficient and effective computer systems.KK4Able to demonstrate soft skills aspects and the ability to communicate in English
KK5Apply concepts related to computer architecture and organization and use them to support computer applications.
KK6Design and implement information system security and carry out continuous management to ensure data confidentiality, integrity and accuracy
KK7Design and implement computer network systems and perform continuous management.
KK8Using algorithms and programming languages ​​related to the manipulation of image models, graphics, and images.
KK9Apply the concepts of modeling, rendering, animation, visualization of computer graphics and multimedia for the development of multimedia-based applications.
KK10Implement a software system development methodology, which includes the stages of planning, design, implementation, testing and system maintenance.
KK11Build and evaluate software in a variety of areas, including those related to human-computer interaction.
KK12Apply concepts related to information management, including developing data modeling and abstraction and building software applications
KK13Design, implement and manage database systems
KK14Mastering the latest issues in various sectors of people's lives and able to formulate procedural problem solving in the field with an Informatics Engineering approach.
KK15Mastering the concepts of soft-skills which include leadership, cooperation, public communication, problem solving, negotiation, and conflict resolution.
PP1Formulating Pancasila as a scientific character in Indonesia.PP1Master the concepts and reasoning of mathematics and science
PP2Mastering the theoretical concepts of Informatics Engineering in general and the theoretical concepts of special sections in the field of knowledge in depthPP2Master the scientific methodology of software creation and development
PP3Mastering the techniques of developing algorithms/methods implemented in computer softwarePP3Master the latest issues of information science and technology and their applications 
PP4Mastering mathematical concepts, mathematical modeling, probability and statistics, as well as discrete structures to model, solve various problems related to logic and computational systems.
PP5Mastering the workings of computer systems and able to design and develop various algorithms/methods to solve problems.
PP6Mastering the software system development methodology, which includes the stages of planning, design, implementation, testing and system maintenance.
PP7Mastering concepts related to information management, including compiling data modeling and abstraction as well as building software applications for data organization and data access security assurance.
PP8Mastering the basic principles and design of distributed systems and their continuous management.
PP9Mastering the latest issues in various sectors of people's lives and able to formulate procedural problem solving in the field with an Informatics Engineering approach.
PP10Mastering the concepts of soft-skills which include leadership, cooperation, public communication, problem solving, negotiation, and conflict resolution.


Mapping from CPL to Simplified ELO