Informatics Engineering S1 Study Program

About Us


The Informatics Engineering Study Program (PSTI) at the Electrical Engineering Department (JTE) Faculty of Engineering (FT) Sam Ratulangi University (UNSRAT), is a development of the concentration of Informatics Engineering interest in the Electrical Engineering Study Program (PSTE) at JTE FT UNSRAT. PSTI officially received an operating permit from the Director General of Higher Education as stated in Decree Number 1689/D/T/2009 dated 17 September 2009, however, its operational activities only started in July 2010 which was marked by the acceptance of the first batch of new students as many as 83 people. , with academic activities referring to the 2008 curriculum which was prepared at the time of submitting the proposal for the opening of the study program.

The operational permit mentioned above is only valid for 2 (two) years, namely until September 2011, and can then be extended after submitting a report on the results of the study program implementation to the Directorate General of Higher Education and completing the data at the Higher Education Data Center (PDPT). After the report is sent and the PDPT data is completed, PSTI Unsrat gets an operational permit extension as stated in the Operational Permit Decree No. 13039/D/T/KN/2012, September 25, 2012.

Student Profile

In 2010, PSTI accepted the first batch of students, through a selection/interest test conducted for prospective PSTE students who were interested in PSTI. From the results of the selection, as many as 81 students successfully passed the first batch of PSTI students. In the following year, PSTI student admissions were carried out through the SNMPTN and Tumou Tou (T2) channels and succeeded in capturing 154 students from approximately 183 interested people who took part in the selection. The increasing interest of prospective PSTI students continues to grow from year to year. Until the end of the 2017/2018 academic year (July 2018), the number of active students at PSTI was 1021 people.

PSTI Study Program – 2010 to now

  1. Ir. Hans F. Wowor, M. Kom. (Term of Office: 2010 to 2015)
  2. Dr. Eng Steven R. Sentinuwo, ST, MTI. (Term of Office: 2015 to 2018)
  3. Virginia Tulenan, S. Kom, MTI. (Term of Office: 2018 to present)

PSTI Introduction Video