Informatics Engineering S1 Study Program
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DPL Kampus Merdeka at Lazada Indonesia

Monitoring and evaluation activities at PT. ECART WEBPORTAL INDONESIA or better known as LAZADA, begins with the preparation and departure of the team to Jakarta where the Partner is located, using air transportation on Saturday, June 11, 2022. The monitoring and evaluation of MSIB at LAZADA is carried out for two days, namely on 13 - 14 June 2022.

On the first day of Monday, June 13, 2022 the team paid a visit to PT. ECART WEBPORTAL INDONESIA (LAZADA) Office at Capital Place Building with the address Jl. Gatot Subroto No.1, Kuningan Bar., Kec. Mampang Prpt., City of South Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12710. This Office Capital Place is one of the many LAZADA offices in Jakarta. On the first day, a meeting was held with company leaders and mentors for the internship program. The meeting discussed the implementation of certified internship activities at LAZADA, recruitment mechanisms and the apprenticeship process, discussion of curriculum conversion for credits Kampus Merdeka, as well as what certified internship participants at LAZADA get. This meeting was also attended by the leadership of LAZADA, Mr. Yanuar Kurniawan, as Vice President for Organization and Talent Development People, LAZADA Indonesia.

After the meeting, the team was invited to visit the working space where certified internship students were active during the internship.

On the second day, the team participated in the “Warehouse Immersion Visit” activity to learn more deeply about LAZADA's business, especially about LAZADA Logistics at the largest LAZADA Warehouse in Indonesia. Warehouse location is in Cimanggis. The team along with interns departed from the Communal Lobby, Capital Place Building on the second day, Tuesday 14 June 2022.

Due to the strict rules of the LAZADA Warehouse where it is not allowed to bring any items including cellphones into the warehouse, so for documentation of activities, we attach photos of activities in the training room in the warehouse.

This is a summary of MSIB's DPL activities at Lazada Indonesia.

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