Vision of the Faculty of Engineering Unsrat 2018-2022

Towards an International Class Engineering Faculty with Local Character


Mission of the Faculty of Engineering Unsrat

  1. Providing Tridarma PT services that are globally competitive by paying attention to local wisdom.
  2. Educate skilled human resources based on technology and pacific-oriented culture.
  3. Empowering collective strength in the implementation of income generating activities to improve welfare
  4. Develop manpower resources, infrastructure, management systems and cooperation to ensure the sustainability of the faculty's operations.


Purpose of the Faculty of Engineering

  1. Improving the quality of Tridarma PT services that are globally competitive by paying attention to local wisdom.
  2. Increasing access and skilled human resources based on technology and culture oriented to the Pacific region.
  3. Empowering collective strength in the implementation of income generating activities to improve welfare.
  4. Develop quality management systems, infrastructure and cooperation to ensure sustainability.

Document SK Establishment of Faculty, Strategic Plan 2014-2018 and Renop 2014-2018