

Sam Ratulangi University

Faculty of Engineering Publisher

Book: “Gray Model Based Machine Health Prognosis”


Title: Machine Health Prognosis Based on Gray Model
Writer's name: Stelly Tangkuman
Number of pages: 50
ISBNs: 978-602-71339-7-6
Size: 14,8 x 21 cm
Price: Rp. 60.000

Prognosis is a field of science that aims to predict the health condition of a product in the future based on an assessment of its current condition and past performance conditions. The prognosis method must identify whether a system or machine is in good condition or not based on its current condition. In other words, the normal condition model (normal condition model) must be built first. Prognosis essentially consists of three steps; namely building a model of normal conditions, estimating the state of degradation, and predicting future conditions and assessing the remaining useful life of the machine. This book discusses the development and application of gray model-based engine health prognosis.

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