Informatics Engineering S1 Study Program

4 Pillars of Digital Literacy

Digital literacy refers to a set of skills needed to be able to use digital technology effectively and responsibly. Digital literacy is very important as digital technology increasingly influences our daily lives. By having good digital literacy, a person can use digital technology effectively and responsibly. This is very important to prevent the spread of false information or hoaxes, protect personal data, and improve the overall quality of life. Apart from that, digital literacy can also help someone to participate in digital society properly and utilize technology to achieve personal or professional goals.

There are four main pillars in digital literacy:

1. Digital Ethics

Digital ethics includes responsible and ethical behavior in the use of digital technology. This includes things such as not spreading false information or posting inappropriate content on social media. An example is when someone chooses not to spread fake news or hoaxes, and checks the veracity of information before sharing it. This is very important in preventing the spread of misinformation and damaging the reputation of a person or an organization.

2. Digital Culture

Digital culture is concerned with developing an understanding of digital content and the ability to participate in digital culture. Digital culture includes a variety of things, such as the ability to understand trending memes or hashtags on social media. An understanding of digital culture is essential in helping people understand the context behind the digital content they consume or create. In addition, understanding digital culture can also help someone to participate in online discussions and build good relationships with other people online.

3. Digital Skills

Digital skills include developing technology skills and the ability to use digital technology effectively. Digital skills cover a variety of things, such as the ability to use new software or hardware applications. This is especially important in today's digital era, where technology is constantly evolving and changing the way we work and live. By possessing strong digital skills, individuals can leverage technology to increase productivity, create new creative works, and improve their overall quality of life.

4. Digital Security

Digital security includes an understanding of the importance of maintaining data security and privacy in the use of digital technology. Digital security includes a variety of things, such as using strong passwords and not giving out personal information to strangers on the internet. This is very important in protecting against cyber attacks and loss of valuable data. By having a solid understanding of digital security, individuals can take appropriate steps to protect themselves and their personal information from threats that exist in the digital world.

In order to become a good digital literate, one needs to have a solid understanding of the four main pillars of digital literacy. By understanding digital ethics, digital culture, digital skills, and digital security, one can use digital technology effectively and responsibly, and take full advantage of the digital era we live in today.

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