Following up on the socialization of the First Wave of Japanese Language Training in Preparation for Apprenticeships in Japan from PT. Saiko Jaya Sukses, we hereby convey the acceptance of prospective participants for the above activities, with a quota of 40 people. Students who are interested in taking part in the training are required to:
- Create and sign a stamped statement regarding the commitment to attend the training until completion and take the JLPT in July 2024.
- Obtain recommendations from the Head of each Department.
Recommendations from the Head of Department are made collectively in accordance with template contained in the attachment. Department leaders can select students who will be recommended for this activity. All administrative requirements are collected in each department and submitted to the Academic and Cooperation Section of the Faculty of Engineering at the latest Friday, October 6 2023, at 11.00 WITA. If the number of applicants exceeds the available quota, selection will be carried out based on requests for internship positions from companies, as well as representation from each study program/department.