List of Expected Graduate Learning Outcomes

Departing from the formulation of the graduate profile, the preparation of PS-ARS ELOs is carried out considering a number of references, in particular the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 44 of 2015 concerning National Standards for Higher Education (SN-DIKTI), Presidential Regulation No. 8 of 2012 concerning the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and the interpretation of competency standards from associations related to the study program, in particular the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI) and the Indonesian Architectural College Association (APTARI).

The full ELO formulation (in K-2020) can be seen in the PS-ARS Curriculum Book. The ELO formulation of this study program can be simplified to 14 (fourteen) points, each in relation to the formulation of the graduate profile that has been determined.

The ELOs formulation of this study program is categorically divided into:

1) Attitudes,

2) General Skills,

3) Special Skills / Work Abilities, and

4) Knowledge Mastery

The ELO formulation in the first and second categories basically refers directly to the directives of SN-DIKTI and KKNI (Level 6 for undergraduate education programs), where the “Attitude” category includes 10 (ten) learning outcomes and the “General Skills”. category includes 9 (nine) points of learning outcomes. These points also cover the 8 basic competencies of life long learning.

The ELO formula for the “Special Skills / Work Ability” category is defined by referring to the competency standards set by IAI and APTARI and also according to the graduate profile category. This category is still divided into 3 (three) sub categories, namely: a) Special Skills, b) Main Work Ability and c) Additional Work Ability. In full, learning outcomes in this category include 16 (sixteen) points.

Furthermore, for the “Knowledge Mastery” category, the main learning outcomes related to the field of study within the scope of architectural science are formulated which include: a) philosophy, history, theory, research, criticism and architectural design methods, b) aesthetics of form, art and culture, c) ecology and building science, d) site planning, exterior & interior space, landscape, urbanism, housing and settlement and e) other knowledge. In this category, learning outcomes are broken down into 40 (forty) items.

The table below lists the 14 ELOs of PS-ARS, each one is elaborated in response to the associated references

(in Accordance to SN-DIKTI/KKNI Level)
Embodying a behavior setting that includes national patriotism; religious; humanistic; appreciative and tolerant to cultural and religious diversity; sensitive to social and natural environmental issues; obedience to the law; uphold academic ethics; responsible, independent, servering, thriving and have entrepreneurial spirit.S1Believe in God Almighty and be able to show a religious attitude;
S2Upholding human values ​​in carrying out duties based on religion, morals and ethics;
S3Contributing to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state and civilization based on Pancasila;
S4Acting as citizens who are proud and love the country, have nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation;
S5Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions and beliefs, as well as the original opinions or findings of others;
S6Cooperate and have social sensitivity and concern for the community and the environment;
S7Obeyed the law and discipline in social and state life;
S8Internalizing academic values, norms, and ethics;
S9Demonstrate an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently;
S10Internalizing the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship
(in Accordance to SN-DIKTI/KKNI Level)
Able to make decisions, apply or develop science, technology and art with logical, critical, systematic, innovative, creative, qualified and measurable thinking, independently or in group cooperation, based on valid data input and analysis, and well reported and documented.KU1Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values ​​in accordance with their field of expertise;
KU2Able to demonstrate independence, quality and measurable performance;
KU3Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values ​​according to their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs or art criticisms;
KU4Able to compile a scientific description of the results of the study mentioned above in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college page;
KU5Able to make decisions appropriately in the context of problem solving in their area of ​​expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis;
KU6Able to maintain and develop networks with mentors, colleagues, peers both inside and outside the institution.
KU7Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work and to supervise and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers who are under their responsibility;
KU8Able to carry out the self-evaluation process of the work group under their responsibility, and able to manage learning independently;
KU9Able to document, store, secure, and recover data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism;
(in Accordance with the Interpretation of IAI & APTARI Competency Standards)
Able to perform various architectural communication techniques (mathematical & statistical expression; manual & computer aided drawings; oral & written verbal narratives) to support a design proposition.KK1Able to communicate architectural thinking through mathematical and statistical expressions manually and with the aid of computers;
KK2Able to communicate architectural thinking through the medium of drawings and three-dimensional models created manually;
KK3Able to communicate architectural thinking through the medium of images and three-dimensional models created with the help of computers;
KK4Able to communicate architectural thinking through the medium of scientific writing and oral presentations in a formal forum;
KK5Able to use a variety of architectural communication techniques in a design proposition.
ELO 04 – S3MAIN WORK ABILITIES - as Architect / Designer
(in Accordance with the Interpretation of IAI & APTARI Competency Standards)
Able to apply architectural knowledge and skills to design an architectural object based on a contextual design problem, especially on the coastal and hilly environment, and present the design result through communicative design documentsKK6Able to apply architectural knowledge and skills in carrying out design activities of an architectural object in the form of a building and/or its exterior and interior environment, based on the context of certain design problems, related to object typology, location / site of coastal and hilly areas, as well as certain themes, and produce designs that meet the basic criteria of architectural quality (functional, sturdy, aesthetic), and are well presented through communicative design documents;
KK7Able to identify design problems in a contextual manner;
KK8Able to develop frameworks, processes, strategies and design methods according to the context of the design problem;
KK9Able to collect data and information related to the context of the design problem;
KK10Able to conduct design studies/analysis based on data and information related to design problems, especially study/analysis of the typological context of the design object, location/tread of coastal and hilly areas, as well as design themes;
KK11Able to synthesize conceptual design ideas including programmatic concepts, site development concepts, building design concepts and outdoor space, according to the input of the study / design analysis and the context of the design problem;
KK12Able to concretize design results in the form of image documents, mock-up models or animations, as well as design reports, in accordance with the results of optimization of the design concept which is a solution to contextual design problems.
ELO 05 – S4ADDITIONAL WORK ABILITIES - as Executor / Supervisor of the Construction Process
(in Accordance with the Interpretation of IAI & APTARI Competency Standards)
Able to apply architectural knowledge and skills to carry out the physical construction process of an architectural object in relation to the efficiency of available resources and the applied legal aspects.KK13Able to apply architectural knowledge and skills in carrying out the activities of managing the physical construction process of buildings and/or their exterior and interior environments in accordance with certain design documents, in relation to the efficiency of available resources including costs, labor, materials, tools & time, taking into account legal aspects of the implementation of the construction / physical construction of the building and the applicable environment.
ELO 06 – S5ADDITIONAL WORK ABILITIES - as a Construction Industry Entrepreneur
(in Accordance with the Interpretation of IAI & APTARI Competency Standards)
Able to apply architectural knowledge and skills to initiate and develop businesses independently in various roles of construction industry (Professional Architects, Contractors, Planning / Supervisory Consultants, Developers, etc.)KK14Able to apply architectural knowledge and skills in initiating and developing a business independently in the construction industry (Professional Architects, Implementing Contractors, Planning / Supervisory Consultants, Developers, etc.)
(in Accordance with the Interpretation of IAI & APTARI Competency Standards)
Able to apply architectural knowledge and skills to carry out educational / teaching, research and community service activities in the field of Architecture.KK15Able to apply architectural knowledge and skills in carrying out educational / teaching activities, research and community service in the field of architecture.
(in Accordance with the Interpretation of IAI & APTARI Competency Standards)
Able to apply architectural knowledge and skills to carry out the formulation and implementation of policies related to the physical construction of buildings and their environment, based on architectural principles and government administration principles.KK16Able to apply architectural knowledge and skills in carrying out the development and implementation of policies related to the physical construction of buildings and their environment, based on architectural principles as well as relevant development / government administration principles.
ELO 09 – Q1KNOWLEDGE MASTERY – in Philosophy, History, Theory, Criticism & Design Method in Architecture
(in Accordance with the Interpretation of IAI & APTARI Competency Standards)
Understand the architectural philosophy, history, criticism, research and design theory / methods, especially in the context of vernacular architecture of the coastal and hilly environment.PP1Mastering in general the principles of architectural philosophy as the basis for the development of architectural knowledge and the conception of architectural knowledge as a science, art and design;
PP2Mastering in depth aspects of the history / development / precedent of international architectural design;
PP3Mastering in depth the historical / developmental / precedent aspects of vernacular architectural design in coastal and hilly areas;
PP4Mastering in depth the concept of the scope of architectural theory and its applications, including the theory of composing architectural forms and spaces, the theory of architectural functions and the theory of architectural design processes/methods;
PP5Mastering in depth the aspects of the scope / domain, types / types and varieties of architectural research methods;
PP6Mastering in general the basic conceptions of architectural criticism (understanding, methods, rhetoric and situations (settings) of architectural criticism);
PP7Mastering in depth the process, methods and strategies of architectural design based on contextual problems, especially those related to the method of analysis of design conceptual aspects (objects, sites and themes), as well as conceptualization methods both programmatic concepts (space programs) and the concept of configuration of architectural forms and spaces functional and meaningful.
ELO 10 – Q2KNOWLEDGE MASTERY – in Aesthetics, Art & Culture
(in Accordance with the Interpretation of IAI & APTARI Competency Standards)
Understand the aesthetic conception, art and culture, especially in the context of the vernacular architecture of the coastal and hilly environment.PP8Mastering in depth the basic philosophy, theory and aesthetic principles of the bi-dimensional / tri-dimensional form and its relevance to architectural design;
PP9Mastering in general the definition and classification of art, the principles of visual arts, and their relevance to architectural design;
PP10Mastering in general the meaning, dimensions and elements of culture, cultural heritage issues and their relevance to the architectural design of coastal and hilly areas,
ELO 11 – Q3KNOWLEDGE MASTERY – in Ecology & Building Science
(in Accordance with the Interpretation of IAI & APTARI Competency Standards)
Understand the basic concepts of ecology, biodiversity, energy, water, life cycle of building materials, disaster risk, concepts of comfort in human-environment interaction, concepts and strategies of built environmental systems in a contextual design problems, especially in the context of vernacular architecture of the coastal and hilly environment.PP11Mastering in general the basic conceptions of human interaction with their environment, the conception of the natural environment as a systemic ecological unit and its various components (biotic/abiotic), basic climatological, hydrological and geological theories, as well as the characteristics of ecosystems with special patterns (coastal and hilly areas, humid tropics), etc;
PP12Mastering in general issues of ecological sustainability, life cycle of building materials, conservation of biodiversity, energy and water, environmental impacts, waste management, as well as management / mitigation of natural disaster risks in coastal and hilly areas;
PP13Mastering in depth the theoretical conception of the physical components of the built environment of coastal and hilly areas (heat, light, sound, energy);
PP14Mastering in depth the theoretical conceptions of thermal, visual, acoustic and olfactory comfort as well as the convenience of accessibility of energy and water resources, in the context of human interaction with the environment in coastal and hilly areas;
PP15Mastering in depth the conception of the built environment (building) as a systemic unit as well as the conception of the working system of its various sub-systems, in particular the air system, lighting, sound system, water system and energy management;
PP16Mastering in depth the theoretical conception of the built environment control system, including microclimate control, passive control and active control of the indoor environment of the building;
PP16Mastering in depth the processes, methods and techniques of integrating the built environment control system into a functional unit that is effective and compatible with the configuration of form and space in an architectural object design related to contextual design problems.
ELO 12 – Q4KNOWLEDGE MASTERY – in Building Technology
(in Accordance with the Interpretation of IAI & APTARI Competency Standards)
Understand the aspects of building statics and mechanics, building materials, structural systems, utility systems, and the strategy for their integration in a contextual design problems, especially in the context of vernacular architecture of the coastal and hilly environment.PP18Mastering in depth the theoretical concepts of statics and engineering mechanics as a basis for structural engineering;
PP19Mastering in depth the technological aspects of standard building materials (wood, concrete and steel) for building structural components and for building architectural components (non-structural), as well as aspects of precedents in innovation and evolution;
PP20Mastering in depth the theoretical conceptions of building structure configuration systems and the principles of standard building construction for both structural components and architectural (non-structural) components of buildings, as well as aspects of precedents in innovation and evolution;
PP21Mastering in depth the theoretical conception of standard building utility requirements and their various systems, as well as aspects of precedents in innovation and evolution;
PP22Mastering in depth the processes, methods and technical strategies of integrating structural systems, construction and building utilities into functional units that are effective and compatible with the configuration of form and space in an architectural object design related to contextual design problems;
PP23Mastering in general the theoretical conception of the implementation of building technology (application of materials, structures and construction as well as building utilities) related to the context of the location / site that is categorized as prone to natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, tidal waves , volcanic eruptions and so on)
ELO 13 – Q5KNOWLEDGE MASTERY – in Site Planning, Landscaping, Interior Design, Urban & Settlement Planning
(in Accordance with the Interpretation of IAI & APTARI Competency Standards)
Understand the process, methods and strategies of integration of theoretical principles, standards and practice precedents for site planning, landscaping, landscaping, outdoor & interior design, urban and residential / settlement planning & design, especially in the context of vernacular architecture of the coastal and hilly environment.PP24Mastering in general the theoretical conceptions, standards and precedents of site planning and design practices;
PP25Mastering in general the theoretical conceptions, standards and precedents of outdoor design practice;
PP26Mastering in general the conceptions / theoretical rules, standards and practice precedents of coastal and hilly landscape design;
PP27Mastering in general the theoretical conceptions/rules as well as the practice of space design in architecture (interior design);
PP28Mastering in general the conception / theoretical principles, standards and precedents of urban planning and design practice;
PP29Mastering in general the theoretical conceptions/rules, standards and precedents for housing and settlement planning practices;
PP30Mastering in depth the process, methods and strategies of integration of theoretical principles, standards and practice precedents for site design, outdoor space, landscaping, interior design, urban and / residential residential design in the architectural object design process related to contextual design problems.
ELO 14 – Q6KNOWLEDGE MASTERY – in Other Relevant Scientific Domains
(in Accordance with the Interpretation of IAI & APTARI Competency Standards)
Understand other relevant aspects of the planning, design and physical development of built environment which includes: a) legal aspects, project management & technical documentation, environmental sociology / psychology, professionalism, economics and business administration.PP31Mastering in general aspects of development administration, as well as relevant norms, regulations and standards for planning, design/design, and physical construction/construction activities of the built environment;
PP32Mastering in general, the principles of drafting a technical design specification description document (RKS) and a cost planning document (RAB) as well as a variety of other technical documentation in relation to the management aspects of the physical construction process design of the built environment ;
PP33Mastering in general the basics of sociology, the various needs of humans as individuals and social beings and the sociological context of a built environment / architecture of coastal and hilly areas;
PP34Mastering in general the theoretical conceptions of the roles and characteristics of clients, users and society as "super clients" in architectural design practice.
PP35Mastering in general the psychological principles of the built environment in relation to the behavioral aspects of the users of the built environment in coastal and hilly areas;
PP36Mastering in depth the various potential roles of architectural scholars and the scope of their responsibilities in various fields of activity, both conventional and new, in local, regional and international contexts;
PP37Mastering in depth various architectural professional contexts (business, financial and legal contexts);
PP38Mastering in general aspects of professional ethics and working rules that apply in accordance with the professional role developed by an architectural scholar;
PP39Mastering in general the conceptions of work procedures for various construction industries as the target work habitat for an architecture graduate;
PP40Mastering in general the principles of economics and business as well as financial and financial aspects and their relevance to the development of various built environments, especially architectural objects.