

Sam Ratulangi University

RESEARCHAnnouncementScientific meetingSeminar and training

Invitation to Qualitative Research Workshop and Certification of Certified International Qualitative Researcher (Expert) (CIQaR)

The following is an invitation for a Qualitative Workshop and Certification received by the Faculty of Engineering Unsrat on Friday, February 5, 2021 from the Social Researcher Certification Consortium aimed at:

Head of LPPM/LPM/Faculty/Study Program/Secretariat

Universities/Institutes/High Schools/Work Units/Government and Private Consulting Agencies

with the contents of the invitation as follows:

Yours faithfully,

In connection with efforts to prepare human resources for certified social researchers in Indonesia, the National Committee for Workshops and Certification of Social Researchers under the coordination of the National Accreditation Committee (KAN), LSP Quantum HRM International, PT Metiri Aromata Tifa Nusantara, in collaboration with the Indonesian Qualitative Researcher Association (IQRA) , organize Qualitative Research Workshops and Certified International Qualitative Researcher (Expert) Examination (CIQaR) – Batch 12, which will be held on:

Day, Date: Saturday to Monday, 20 to 22 February 2021

Place: Online

Time: 07.30 to 17.30 WIB or according to Rundown

Cost : Rp. 6.300.000,- (not subject to tax)

Together with this letter, we invite Mr. and Mrs. researchers/lecturers/assessors/reviewers/consultants/students (S3), from the institutions that you and Mrs. lead to join and take part in the event. Thus we convey this letter invitation. We thank you for your attention and opportunity.

More information can be found in the attached Invitation file

Download Attachments


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